Microchip and register a Balkan (Domaci balkanski magarac) donkey pet; it is your friend

microchip and register a pet; it is your friend - you could save a life

Model: microchip-and-register-a-balkan-domaci-balkanski-magarac-donkey-pet-it-is-your-friend

ID product: 011650

Microchip and register a Balkan (Domaci balkanski magarac) donkey pet; it is your friend

As an owner of a Balkan (Domaci balkanski magarac) donkey, you know that a pet is not an object, but a member of your family and a household, as well as a great friend. So you should provide it with love and excellent care, but also protection, including, among other things, possibility of quick and one-hundred-per-cent electronic identification of your pet at the moment it is found. However, it can be only done if you register a microchipped animal in the database. We have made our best to make animal registration intuitive, fast and troubleless. Just enter the WORLDPETNET page, use a button for registration of a new user account and fill in the form. When the account has been activated, you can register the microchip number implanted in your pet. So think whether your pet is not worth a few precious minutes which will guarantee its safe return home if it is lost, goes away from home and is not able to come back or runs away scared and loses visual contact with you. Remember that from the moment you took it in, you have been obliged to provide it with absolute security. Good food and bedding is not enough to say that it is all done! Do not wait, register your pet in the microchipped pet database.

For more information, please visit www.worldpetnet.com